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It’s almost everyone get in the water time !!!! ✨
Photographer friends! 🥰🥰 I’m working on a new booklet and could really use your input . Id be happy to send it to you in exchange for your valuable feedback . 
Raise your hand 🙋🏼‍♀️ if you can help !
That feeling when your vacation is so close, but yet so far… ✈️🌴 
When are you headed to Destin ?
“From 2014 to 2025—what a journey it’s been. ✨ The highs, the lows, the lessons, and the growth… I wouldn’t change a thing. Grateful for every step that led me here and excited for what’s still to come. 💛 
*sidenote : my favorite part about creating this reel was scrolling back through the previous 10 years of images and seeing so many of my favorite families , families that I have been so blessed to photograph year after year . Thank you for being apart of my journey ✨
I only do minis twice a year ! SPRING minis are here 🌸 beach and non - beach options available - now booking Feb- end of March !